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Experience eMPACT
Empowering Purposeful Advancement of Careers and Training in the Research Workforce
Created for Clinical Research Professionals, Principal Investigators/Employers, and Training Coordinators in clinical translational science
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Empowering you to navigate your career path!
Career Navigation
Customized job and training opportunities
Match your abilities and experiences profile with available trainings and jobs by using a nationally recognized competency framework.
Supporting your employee search!
Profile jobs using market data
Forecast candidate pool for jobs
Quickly see top candidates for the jobs you post.
Enhancing the impact of your training!
Craft training based on identified needs
Forecast candidate pool for trainings
Create trainings and recruit trainees based on data.

eMPACT will find you the perfect career
Using nationally-recognized competencies along with personal attributes and interests, the system matches your profile with training and jobs -- empowering you to navigate your career path!

Find out what eMPACT is capable of
Quickly see top candidates for your jobs and training programs, and plan for the future. View popular training needs, competency levels, and attributes of your workforce!
Register today and see what the hype is all about!